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Writer's picture: GameNChickGameNChick

Updated: Feb 3



Developed: Game Studio

Published: Bandai Namco Entertainment

Genre: PvPvE

Release Date: Jan 23rd, 2025

Platforms: PS5/PC/Xbox Family



Synduality Echo of Ada is the latest game in the PvPvE market and it is developed by Game Studio and published by Bandai Namco. With the PvPvE market being hit or mess lately, Bandai Namco decides its time to throw their hat in the ring and take their shot at it. However, was it the right decision to dive into this uncertain genre? or is it one of those ''one and done'' type of decisions. Only one way to find out, so lets go!




I got a chance to play this in beta testing awhile back and other forms of testing thanks to Bandai Namco and while I was not very good at the game during that testing, I did come away with mostly positive thoughts at the time. But now here we are with the full games releases and now we get to witness or not if they listened to previous player feedback. Did they? well sorta. The premise of this title centers around us as humanity itself have retreated and have burrowed to underground bases and shelters due to a largely devastating rain that has fallen upon the land... think of it like if Taco Bell was rain, only with less mess an you'll get the point to how damaging this rain is, but more so to your skin, not your bowels. I know that sounds dreary and a bit moody, but honestly, the game is rather more up tempo as far as the atmosphere goes, something you never would've guessed if you hadnt played. Upon getting your footing into the world and readying your adventure, you're introduced to your little friend named Magus, who is basically your little flying friend that accompanies you on this adventure and helps you by assisting you with navigation through environments and the world itself, all while controlling your own personal customizable mecha called The Cradle Coffin. Now.. why does that name sound like a finishing move that someone like Darby Allin would use in AEW?. Crazy Darby aside, your mech isnt just something to look at due to how cool it is, nope, it is armed to the teeth and ready for action using dual weapons that you can customize at your hub base and then going out and testing said customizations by going back to the earth surface and seeing if you have what it takes to survive. Of course, me being me, I didn't not have what it takes early on and died over...and over.. and over. Question though? does crashing in a mech count as crashing an actual vehicle? If so then the streak continues cause yes, I crashed and exploded. Par for the course really at this point... as Thanos said ''I am... inevitable''. Hyping up the premise and the mechs is all good and all but what type of game is this and how does it play?

Echo Of Ada plays and operates like a third person shooter that stays in line with that genre, mechanics wise as you push through enemy threats like snipers, explosive enemies that makes you laugh when you shouldnt because you just think of the ''AhHhHhHhH!!!'' guys from Serious Sam, mean doggo wolf friends, bandits that you must take on that are more strategic than normal foes, making solo play against them much more of a challenge if you aim to go in alone like Leeroy Jenkins. On the flipside you can bring in your team should you choose to and overwhelm their forces with sheer force. Sheer force is always my go to, for sure. But remember that toxic rain I just told you about? yeah... dont get too comfortable staying above ground and explore the entire time for long periods because that just isnt very plausible, much like myself beating U.S. Squadron on SNES. Staying outside is pretty hazardous to yourself and your mech due to the toxic rain gradually damaging your shield, before ultimately starting to drain your health as well, which makes you have to constantly monitor the state of your mech and plan accordingly when you adventure off into the world, always making sure you have a proper escape route, should you need a hasty escape from the rain - luckily should you choose the right weapons, such as sniper rifles, as yes you also get out of your mech should you want to, you'll be able to pick off harder to reach foes from a distance, rather than succumb to a face to face combat scenario. Good, I don't have to smell their butt breath from them being in the toxic rain all this time, mission accomplished. While you explore this world, avoiding dangers when you can, your missions will range from clearing out enemies at specific locations such as enemy hunts or item retrievals to get materials needed for other missions or for yourself in general, but you're always spawned at a different point in the map, makin the overall feel of life and death feeling sort of like a rogue like game in way, with each new spawn point, making you change up your strategy and keeping your playthrough fresh as can be. Usually this genre isnt my thing overall, I play a few titles like this every so often, but this go around with Echo Of Ada, it tends to make things a tad bit more interesting by allowing you to hunt and discover ''Relics'' alongside cooperative gameplay with other players as each of you figure out whos in charge of rushing, defense or even using your Magus to use skills in regards to healing and shielding. Its pretty dang awesome in that aspect. Luckily for everyone involved, mecha's dont have self destruction enabled, otherwise I would've blown myself up next to my teammates to take us all out in one big BOOM, Costco guys style, just to see if I would be able to. I know... I'm a jerk. Shush it. Nerd.

Running your little booty off as fast as you can in order to make it back to your base is pretty intense, especially when low on health. Returning to your base is pretty much mandatory if you want to make it far in this game and its essential to manage all your resources, craft brand new weapons, increase the size and expand your facility and personally upgrade your Magus in order to make it fit to you and your own playstyle to the best way possible. Plus if you get bored, screw it, have a little dance off party with your little Magus friend because it too can dance and do other things without your command. Hes a good boy like a doggo. The Magus is actually more of an MVP than my own mecha was to be honest. There were so many instances where'd be getting my absolute butt handed to me, but in the nick of time, Magus was able to bail me out of a situation, saving me from having to start over and lose my loot... which also saved me a TON of headache because imagining myself going through ALL THAT FUSS by exploring, fighting off hordes, only to just get blasted in a one and done, yeah no. Praise Be To Magus, sorry Wakka, Yevon has been dethroned.





At the end of day Echo of Ada does end up having some petty enjoyable spots, but is not without its own flaws. After spending a ton of time managing to survive on the surface, you tend to rack up a ton of items and gear, however when you die, you lose everything and I mean EVERYTHING, so that is extremely demoralizing. Terrain exploration can also get a tad bit bland after awhile until the second map is introduced for you to explore, but even then, even the money in the game feels off balance due to how slowly you actually gain currency in this title, which makes grinding somewhat a chore. However, with engaging exploration, fun strategic combat, base management and thrilling co-op action with others, I feel Echo of Ada more than makes up for the negative with its positives. So with all that having been said, my verdict is clear, GameNChick says BUY NOW



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